Inspirasi Ku....

Wanita sebenarnya tidak lemah. Wanita sebenarnya tidak cengeng. Keadaanlah yang membuat mereka demikian, keadanlah yang membuat mereka menangis dan terlihat lemah. seorang wanita akan meneteskan air matanya di stasiun saat melepas kepergian anaknya. Seorang wanita akan segera menangis saat mengetahui suaminya mengalami kecelakaan. mata seorang wanita akan berkaca-kaca saat mendengar orang yang dicintainya menyakiti perasaannya. Kecantikan seorang wanita dilihat dari matanya karena itulah pintu hatinya, tempat di mana cinta itu berada.

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

U always in My heart...

day after day we've been through ... so impressive to me ...unexpected meeting until we finally fell in love ..oh god that's funny incident and had never imagined before.
Initially just exchanging ideas via IM until finally we exchanged thoughts about the taste and the future that I think whether it will happen?because we were both away from each other ... but you're always assured, dear, if there is nothing impossible in this world.hopefully unfortunately it can happen, because I honestly admit my feelings very deeply to you, and I was hoping you so ...Dream we get married and live in a small house that has a large yard where our kids play later ... 3 boys and two girls ... the desire that we agreed ... and always with the sweet home therein warm and loving.I love you always and forever .....

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